- Land Code of RA
- Law of RA On Melioration of Agricultural Lands
- Law of RA On Land Tax
- Law of RA On Privileges of Land Tax
- Law of RA On Allocating Privileges of Land Tax
- Law of RA On Arreages for Property Tax and Land Tax
- Law of RA On Urban Planning
- Law of RA On Alienation of the Property for Public and State Needs
- Law of RA On State Registration of Property Rights
- Law of RA On Activity of Real Estate Evaluation
- Law of RA On Administrative-Territorial Division of RA
- Law of RA On Geodesy and Cartography
- Law of RA On Granting Privileges upon Several Issues Privatization for Refugees Permanently Residing in the Territory of RA
- Governmental Decree of RA On the Areas of Non-Reclamated Mines withheld from Exploitation
- Order of the Minister of Nature Protection of RA On Approval of the Order for Calculation and Indexation of the Costs of Reclamation Works Appraisal
- Governmental Decree of RA On Approval of the Order for Composition of Land Balance of RA
- Governmental Decree of RA On Approval of the Order for Allocation of the Right of Alienation, Construction and Use of the Land Parcels under State and Municipality Ownership
- Governmental Decree of RA On Approval of the Data of State Land Cadastre on the Agricultural and Dormant Lands in RA
- Governmental Decree of RA On Approval of the Cadastre Costs (Prices) of the RA Land Stock by target purpose (Categories) for 2011 and Amount of Pure Cadastre Income
- Governmental Decree of RA On Approval of the Cadastre Costs (Prices) of the RA Land Stock by target purpose (Categories) for 2012 and Amount of Pure Cadastre Income
- Governmental Decree of RA On the Report (Land Balance) on the Existence and Distribution of the RA Land Stock
- Order of the State Committee of the Real Estate Cadastre Adjacent to the Government of RA On Approval of the Forms of RA Land Balance
- Decree of the Prime-Minister of RA On Approval of the List of Measures Aimed at Ensuring the Realization of the Law of RA On Changes and Addendums to the Land Code of RA
- Decree of the Price-Minister of RA On Approval of the List of Measures Aimed and Ensuring the Realization of the Laws of RA On Changes and Addendums to the Land Code of RA and Changes and Addendums to the Civil Code of RA
- Decision of the Mayor of Yerevan On the Rules of Construction, Repair of Engineering Installations and Networks and Carrying out of Other Land Works in the city Yerevan
- Order of the State Committee of the Real Estate Cadastre Adjacent to the Government of RA “On Approval of the Order of State Registration of the Rights upon Land Parcels under State Ownership Transferred by the Right of Ownership to the City and
- Order of the State Committee of the Real Estate Cadastre Adjacent to the Government of RA On Approval of the Orders for Composition of the Land Balances for Communities, Marzes and the Republic of Armenia
- Order of the State Committee of the Real Estate Cadastre Adjacent to the Government of RA On Approval of the Methodological Instructions for Filling-in the Act on Infringements of Land Use and Protection, Certificate on the Results of Revisions
- Governmental Decree of RA On Distinction of Powers between State Committee of the Real Estate Cadastre Adjacent to the Government of RA and the State Land Inspection of the Marzpets
- Governmental Decree of RA On Establishment of Authorized Bodies for State Management of Land Resources
- Governmental Decree of RA On Approval of the Charter of Inspection of Geodesy and State Land Inspection of State Committee of the Real Estate Cadastre Adjacent to the Government of RA
- Governmental Decree of RA On the Report (Land Balance) on the Existence and Distribution of the RA Land Stock for 2011
- Governmental Decree of RA On the Report (Land Balance) on the Existence and Distribution of the RA Land Stock for 2010
- Governmental Decree of RA On the Report (Land Balance) on the Existence and Distribution of the RA Land Stock for 2009
- Governmental Decree of RA On the Report (Land Balance) on the Existence and Distribution of the RA Land Stock for 2008
- Governmental Decree of RA On the Report (Land Balance) on the Existence and Distribution of the RA Land Stock for 2007
- Governmental Decree of RA On the Report (Land Balance) on the Existence and Distribution of the RA Land Stock for 2006
- Governmental Decree of RA On Approval of the Order of the Monitoring of Lands
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of procedure to implement lands monitoring
- RA Governmental Decision On requirements for land recultivation and on adoption of technical charters categorizing altered lands entitled to recultiviation
- Law of RA On Control upon Use and Protection of Lands
- RA Subsoil Code
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the list of activities to enforce Subsoil Code of the Republic of Armenia
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of issuing special licence for the subsoil use for the purpose of radioactive materials search, exploration, and exploitation of radioactive, hazardous chemicals and waste disposal
- RA Governmental Decision On changing the category of land under state and community ownership to industrial, mining and other industrial categories
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of state registration and recording of subsoil geological survey activities
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of state geological expertise of information on subsoil and explored reserves
- Decree of RA Minster of energy and nature resources On adoption of the procedure of incloving independent experts and their reumberesment during the state geological expertise
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the classification of solid mineral resources and forecasting resources
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of geological-economic assessment of mineral deposits
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of state cadastere of mineral deposits and their demonstrations
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of state register of mineral resources
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the technical regulation of safe use of mineral resources by the method of open exploitation
- RA Governmental Decision On control over mineral resources qualitiative analytical data
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the technical regulation of safe use of mineral resources by the method of underground exploitation
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the technical regulation on safety rules of contravention, sorting and enrichment of mineral resources
- Decree of RA Minsiter of Finances and Economy On approving registretion procedure and form of precious metals and precious stones mined from the subsoil of Armenia
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the forms of licenses on extraction of mineral resources and geological survey for the purpose of mineral resources extraction, survey agreement
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the forms of registers on useful minerals resources daily flow
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of model forms of mining agreement
- Decree of RA Minster of energy and nature resources On adoption of model forms of geological survey licenses for the purpose of exploitation of mineral resources, geological survey special licenses for the purpose of exploitation of mineral reso
- RA Governmental Decision On creation of state mining inspectorate of the staff of the Ministry of energy and nature resources, adoption of its charter and structure
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of charter and structure of agency of mining granting of the staff of Ministery of energy and nature resources
- Decree of RA President On creation of council to promot effectiveness in the sphere of mining
- Decree of RA Minster of energy and nature resources On adoption of the regulation of mining expertise commission of the mineral resources agency of the Ministry of energy and nature resources
- Decision of RA Prime Minister On adoption of the staff of board of the Ministry of nature protection and subsoil
- Decree of RA President On adoption of the personal of mining advisory council
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the technical regulation of the requirements on soil cultivation and classification of damaged soils entitled for cultivation
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of minerals use in the lands allotted to the citizens and organization
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of concession of entrails with the purpose of geological investigations
- RA Governmental Decision On activities securing the enforcement of RA law “Concession of the entrails for study and extraction with the purpose of exploitation of minerals, RA code On underground resources and appointing authorized state bodies
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure for management of geological and other type of information about the entrails of RA
- RA Governmental Decision On primary activities aimed at improving the sphere of use and protection of entrails of RA
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of licensing the use of entrails with the purpose of creation of underground structures not related with the mining
- RA Governmental Decision On the procedure of use of entrails with the purpose of mining
- Water Code of RA
- Law of RA On Basics of National Water Policy
- Law of RA On the Associations of Water Users and Unions of Associations of Water Users
- Law of RA On Granting Privileges to the Associations of Water Users for Social Security Payments
- Governmental Decree of RA On Establishment of Requirments for Use and Protection of Water Resources by Classification
- Governmental Decree of RA On Establishment of the Regulation for Control upon the Impact on the Water Resources in Reservoirs and Wetlands
- Governmental decree of RA On the Full-Scale or Partial Evaluation of the Water Resources upon Request by the RA Government or the Water User Establishment of Its Mechanisms
- Decree of the Prime-Minister of RA On Approval of the Staff and the Charter of the Standing Interagency Commission Established for Evaluation of the State of Water Resources in the Accident Zone in consequence of Emergency Situations, Utmost Urg
- Governmental Decree of RA On Establishments of the Order for Determination of the Regime and Quotes Allocated to Water Users of Water Use from Water Resources
- Governmental Decree of RA On Approval of the Order for Water Use in Tourism, Sport and Recreational Purposes
- Governmental Decree of RA On Approval of the Order for Use of Water Resources for Needs of Hunting Farms
- Governmental Decree of RA On Approval of the Order for Use of the Water Systems for Irrigation, Watering of Pastures, Washing of Lands and Desaltation and Other Agricultural Purposes
- Governmental Decree of RA On Approval of the Order for Use of Water Resources for Needs of Fishing Farms
- Decree of the Prime-Minister of RA On Measures Aimed at Ensuring the Realization of the Water Code and the Law of RA On Associations of Water Users and Unions of Associations of Water Users
- Governmental Decree of RA On Approval of the Program for Inventarisation of Water Sources
- Governmental Decree of RA On Approval of the Order for Providing Information on the Transboundary Water Resources
- Governmental Decree of RA On Establishment of Measures for Application of Best Technologies, Improvement of Water Resources Monitoring and Elimination of Pollution and Prevention
- Governmental Decree of RA On Approval of the Order for Registration of Documents in State Water Cadastre and Providing Information
- Governmental Decree of RA On Approval of the Order for Allocation of Trust Management of Water System under State Ownership
- Governmental Decree of RA On Approval of the Order for Allocation of the Right to Use of Water Systems under State Ownership for Rent
- Governmental Decree of RA On Approval of the Order for Allocation of the Right to Use of Water Systems under State Ownership by Concession Contract
- Governmental Decree of RA On Approval of the Order for Use and Protection of Water Systems of International Importance
- Order of the State Committee of the Water Farm Adjacent to the Government of RA On Approval of the Rules of Technical Exploitation of Pipelines of Water Supply Systems, Water Networks and Water Cleaning Facilities
- Governmental Decree of RA On Granting Permission for Allienation of Property and Construction of a New Water System
- Order of the Minister of Nature Protection of RA On Approval of the Form of Protocol on Process of Use, Registration, Regime, Water Measuring Installation, Maintenance of Equipment, Factual State of Protection of Water Resources Envisaged by Wat
- Order of the Minister of Nature Protection of RA On Approval of the Methodology for Calculation of Marginal Quotes of Drainage Waters Flowing into the Water Resources
- Order of the Minister of Nature Protection of RA On Approval of the Forms and Maintenance of the Registers for Data Registration in State Water Cadastre
- Governmental Decree of RA On the Improvement of the System of the Government of Water Farms
- RA Governmental Decision On Approval of the Charter and the Structure of the Agency of Water Resources Management within the Staff of the Ministry of Nature Protection of RA
- RA Governmental Decision On Designation of an Authorized Body for Management and Protection of Water Resources
- RA Governmental Decision On Approval of the Charter and the Structure of the State Committee of Water Farm of the Ministry of Territorial Administration of RA
- RA Governmental Decision On Allocation of Powers to the State Committee of Water Farm
- RA Governmental Decision On Designation of an Authorized Body for Management of Water Systems
- Joint Decree of the Minister of Healthcare of RA and the Head of State Water Committee of the Ministry of Territorial Administration of RA On Approval of Standard Procedures of Cooperation between the Ministry of Healthcare of RA and State Water
- RA Governmental Decision On Approval of the Order of Public Notification and Publicity of the Documents Elaborated by the Authority of Water Resources Management and Protection
- RA Governmental Decision On Establishment of Rules for Use of Water Discharge Systems and Cleaning of Discharged Waters
- RA Governmental Decision On Approval of Exemplary Rules of Use of Reservoirs Maintained in RA
- RA Governmental Decision On Approval of the List of Substances, Biological Elements, Heavy Metals or Their Combinations with Negative Impact on Ecosystem of the Lake Sevan
- RA Governmental Decision On the Primary Measures of Regulation of Protection of the Lake Sevan and Use of Its Natural Resources
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure to assess the impact on water resources as a result of economic activities
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of publicity and public notification about the documents worked out by authority managing and protecting water resources
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure to implement water resources monitoring and registration of reports
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the rules of use of the drainage systems and cleaning the drained waters
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the authorities, which exercise state control over water resources and water system protection and of their functions
- RA Governmental On adoption of the peculiarities of protection, use, composition and status of water object nature monuments
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure for protection and complete or partial, permanent or provisional withdrawal of specially protected water systems from the economic circulation
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the exemplary rules of use of reservoirs in the territory of RA
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the list of substances, biogenic elements, heavy metals or their combinations having negative impact on the ecosystem of Lake Sevan
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of primary activities aimed at Lake Sevan protection and regulation of its natural resources use
- Law of RA On Protection of Atmospheric Air
- Law of RA On Substances Depleting Ozone Layer
- Decision of RA General Council On Realization of the Law of RA On Protection of Atmospheric Air
- Decree of RA Prime-Minister On the List of Measures Ensuring the Realization of the Law of RA On Changes and Addendums to the Law of RA on Protection of Atmospheric Air
- RA Governmental Decision On Approval of the Order for Forecast, Notification and Addressing Dangerous Meteorological Phenomenons Related to Overnormativated Pollution of the Atmosphere, Climate Change and the State of Ozone Layer
- Ordinance of the President of RA On Approval of the Concept of Active Impact on the Atmosphere and Atmospheric Phenomenons in RA
- RA Governmental Decision On Approval of the Hail Measures in the Territory of RA for 2010-2011 and Free Allocation of Property to the State Non-Commercial Organization Service of Active Impact on Atmospheric Phenomenons
- RA Governmental Decision On Approval of the Normatives of Marginal Permissible Density (Concentrations) of Substances Polluting Atmospheric Air in Settlements
- RA Governmental Decision On Approval of the Order for Review of Draft Projects of the Normatives of Marginal Permissible Emissions of Organizations Possessing Persistent Sources of Pollution of the Atmospheric Air
- RA Governmental Decision On Estblishment of the List and Total Quantity (Quotes) of Import of Substances Depleting Ozone Layer
- RA Governmental Decision On Approval of the Order for Control over Emissions Substances Polluting the Atmospheric Air by Vehicles in RA
- RA Governmental Decision On Works of Active Impact on the Atmospheric Phenomenons in RA
- RA Governmental Decision On Approval of the Order for Impact Assessment on the Atmospheric Air as a consequence of Economic Activities
- Decree of RA Minister of Nature Protection On Approval of the Methods of Detecting of the Azote Oxide and Dioxide in the Same Sample (Sampling on the Membrane Sorbent), Detecting of the Azote Oxide and Dioxide in the Same Sample (Sampling by Bar
- Decree of RA Minister of Nature Protection On Approval of the Methodology for Calculation of the Emissions to the Atmosphere of Dangerous Substances from Thermal Power Stations Operated with Natural Gas
- Decree of RA Minister of Nature Protection On Approval of the Method for Detecting the Ozone on the Atmospheric Layers Near to Ground by a Spectral Light-Measuring Technique
- RA Governmental Decision On Approval of the Technical Reglamentation for the Structure Norms and Control Methods of the Emissions to the Atmosphere
- RA Governmental Decision On Establishment of State Enterprise of Special Importance for Active Impact on Atmospheric Processes Adjacent to the Meteorological Division of the Government of RA
- RA Governmental Decision On Allocation of Property to the State Non Commercial Organization Service of Active Impact on Atmospheric Phenomenons
- RA Governmental Decision On Establishment of Management Agency for Waste and Emissions to the Atmosphere within the Staff of the Ministry of Nature Protection
- Decision of the General Council of RA On Accession to the Agreement from 5 August 1963 On Prohibition of Probation of Nuclear Weapons in the Atmosphere, Space Area and under Water
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of hygienic norms in the air of work place and in atmospheric air
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of hygienic norms in the air of work place and in atmospheric air
- RA Governmental Decision On establishment of “Service of active impact On atmospheric processes” state nonprofitable organization
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the charter of state records keeping of negative impacts On atmospheric air
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of issuing permits for norms of maximum permissible levels of physical negative impacts and substances polluting the atmospheric air and exhaustions
- Law of RA On Hydro-meteorological Activity
- RA Forest Code
- Agreement between Ministry of agriculture of Armenian and Ministry of farming and forest of the Republic of Bulgaria on the economic and scientific-technical cooperation
- Protocol amending the Agreement on cooperation in the sphere of forestry industrial complex and forestry from 11 September, 1998
- Decision of RA National Assembly On ratification of the agreemnt on cooperation in the sphere of forestry industrial complex and forestry
- Decision of RA National Assembly On ratification of the agreement on cooperation between the Ministry of agriculture of Armenian and Ministry of farming and forest of the Republic of Bulgary
- Decree of RA President On adoption of the grant agreement between Republic of Armenia and International bank of Reconstruction and Development on the forest monitoring capacity building TF 092157 program
- Decree of RA President On the measures to strenghthen the protection of green plantations, forestry areas and prevention of illegal logging
- RA Governmental Decision On changing the purpose of the land and reforestation
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of forest use and protection in the forests of protection significance
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of aforestation loggings in the forests of industrial significance
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of a forestation logings in the forests of industrial significance, on the repeal of RA Governmental Decision N 49 from january 23, 2011 and ammending Goevernmental Decision N 1412-N from Se
- RA Governmental Decision On defining the age of forest trees crossing
- RA Governmental Decision On defining the tariffs of counting the damage caused to the forestry and state hunting stocks
- RA Governmental Decision On use of state forest stock areas in the Vayots Dzor and Synik regions of the Republic of Armenia
- RA Governmental Decision On definition of the minimum rental amount for forests under the state ownership
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of implementing state forest trust managment competition
- RA Governmental Decision On approval of the 2012-2014 program on forest state monitoring
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of forest state monitoring
- RA Governmental Decision On allocating special competancess of RA forest preservation, protection, reproduction and use to the RA Ministry of nature protection
- RA Governmental Decision On allocating special competancess of RA forest preservation, protection, reproduction and use, and amending RA Governmental Decision N 1054-N from July 25, 2002
- RA Governmental Decision On providing right of signing agreement of foresty land rent to the Hayantar State non-profitabel organization
- RA Governmental decision On Creating foundation of forest development and reforestation in the Republic of Armenia
- Decree of RA Minster of agriculture On adoption of directive of forestry management plans
- Decree of RA Minster of agriculture On adoption of model form of agreement on forest land rent
- Decree of RA Minisiter of agriculture On adoption of the model forms of agreement and bid on trust management
- Decree of RA Minster of Agriculture On adoption of name list and quantity of agricultural, forest and ornate flora and flora products
- Decree of RA Minster of Agriculture On adoption of the forms required for the collection of the information necessary for state monitoing of forest
- Decision of the State Council of Statistics On adoption of the directive on N1 Forest form (quarterly) of forestry on state statistical reports and its completion
- Decision of the State Council of Statistics On adoption of the directive of summery report form and completion of summary report on the reforestation, care and sanitation logging N 3-AT
- Decision of the State Council of Statistics On adoption of summary report on the rehabilitation, care and sanitation cuttings Form No. 3 - AT state statistical reporting form completion and approval
- Decision of the State Council of Statistics On adoption of summary report on forestry form No. 3 - AT state statistical reporting form completion and approval
- Decision of the State Council of Statistics On adoption of summary report on forestry form No. 12 - AT state statistical reporting form completion and approval
- Decision of the State Council of Statistics On adoption of summary report on forest fire No. 5 - AT state statistical reporting form completion and approval
- Decision of the State Council of Statistics On adoption of summary report on forest legislation violations No. 5 - ANTARTNT state statistical reporting form completion and approval
- RA Governmental Decision On the procedure of implementation of state forest cadastre, state stocktaking and allotting of information
- RA Governmental Decision On the procedure of implementation of state forest monitoring
- RA Governmental Decision On establishing introduction of state forest monitoring system
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the national forest programm
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of fire safety rules in forests of RA
- RA Governmental Decision On establishing a foundation of development and reconstruction of forests in RA
- RA Governmental Decision On establishing of a council of state forest monitoring aimed to combat illegal logging, on adoption of the working plan of the council and its personal board
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of procedure of urban activities and land allottating in specially protected areas and forested lands of RA
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of holding forestry in forested lands and implementing activities not related with use of forests
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of allotting state forests to local organizations for entrusted management without competition
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of leasing out state forests and forested lands
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of use of boarding and protecting forests and forested lands
- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna an
- RA Law On hunting and hunting farms
- RA Law On the tariffs of reimbursements of the damage to the flora and fauna as result of environmental law breaches
- Decision of RA Natrional Assembly On ratification of Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the red book of fauna
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of signing th agreement on use of species of fauna for agricultural and industrial purposes
- RA Governmental Decison on issuing lisance for the use and organization of reproduction of fauna
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of licanse issuance and application and licanse forms of export from and import to Armenia of wild animals and plants according to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Speci
- Decree of RA Minister of nature protection On adoption of methodical guidlines of conducting state cadaster of fauna
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of state register program of Armenian fauna
- RA Governmental Decision On allocating competences of flora and fauna preservation, protection, use and reproduction to the Ministry of nature protetction of the Republic of Armenia
- RA Governmental Decision On recognition of competent public authority entailing from the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of organization and implementation of fauna monitoring
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of holding and passing fauna monitoring
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of holding fauna state cadastre
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure providing data of fauna state cadastre
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of conclusion of agreements on use of fauna objects with the purpose social use
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of regulations of amateurish hunting and fishing, on hunting of objects not entitled for hunting and fishing in territory of RA
- Law of RA On Flora
- Law of RA On the Tariffs of Reimbursement of the Damage to the Flora and Fauna in consequences of Infringements of Environmental Legislation
- Law of RA On Protection of Plants and Quarantine of Plants
- Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (3 March 1973, Washington)
- Decision of RA National Assembly On Ratification of the Convention On International Trade of Endangered Plants and Animals
- RA Governmental Decision On Approval of the Red Book of Plants of RA
- RA Governmental Decision On Establishment of the Order of Issuance and Forms of Phytosanitary Certificates of Plants, Herbal Products and Regulated Goods for Import Permission and Import, Export, Re-export
- Decree of RA Minister of Agriculture On Approval of the List and Quantities of Agricultural, Forest and Ornate Plants
- Decree of RA Minister of Agriculture On Approval of the List of Plants Subject to Phytosanitary Control and Herbal Products
- Decree of RA Minister of Agriculture On Approval of the Exemplary Form of Registry of Phytosanitary Expertise of Plants, Herbal Products and Regulated Goods
- RA Governmental Decision On Approval of the Forms of Issuance of Permissions (Certificates) and Permission (Certificate) and Application for Export from and Import to the RA Territory of Wild Animals and Plants, Their Parts and Derivatives Subje
- Decree of RA Minister of Nature Protection On Approval of the Methodical Guidline for Maintaining the State Cadastre of Flora
- RA Governmental Decision On Recognition of the Ministry of Nature Protection of RA as Authorized Body Envisaged by the Convention On International Trade of Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of holding flora monitoring
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure of holding flora state cadastre
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure providing data of flora state cadastre
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the program of flora state records keeping