- RA Law On specially protected natural areas
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of rules of procedure and creation of the Interdepartmental Tender Committee for the purpose of providing for rent and/or under construction of the specially protected areas\' land
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the program on creation of state cadastre of specially protected natural areas
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of state order of activities toward the forestry and scientific researches in the protection of specially protected natural areas in 2003
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of state order toward the elaboration of new program on creation of new areas of specially protected natural areas
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of state order of activities toward the protection, forestry and scientific researches in the protection of specially protected natural areas in 2004
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of state order of activities toward the protection, forestry and scientific researches in the protection of specially protected natural areas in 2005
- RA Governmental Decision On liquidation of the department of specially protected natural areas of the Ministry of nature protection
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of state order of 2005 toward the elaboration of new program on creation of new areas of specially protected natural areas
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the procedure for establishing of specially protected areas of nature
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of procedure of urban activities and changing the purpose (categories) and allotting of lands in specially protected areas of nature and forests of RA
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of procedure to implement and organize the monitoring of specially protected areas of nature
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of procedure to hold state cadastre of specially protected areas of nature
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the description of borders of Shikahogh state reserve and to confirm the size of the reserve Sosu Grove, changing the purpose and allocation of the land
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of 2010-2014 management plan of Khosorv reserve and of description of borders and scheme
- SSR Council of Ministers Decisions On adoption of Boghaqar state reserve charter
- SSR Council of Ministers Decisions On formation of hydrological reserves
- Decision of the State Council of Statistics On adoption of the directive of summery reserve report form N 1-AT and completion of it on reserves, reserves and national parks
- RA Governmental Decision On reorganization of state organization Shikahogh state reserve, on adoption of charters of Shikahogh state reserve and Shikahogh State Reserve state nonprofitable organization
- RA Governmental Decision On reorganization of state organization Khosrov petakan argeloc, On adoption of charters of Khosrovi antar state reserve and Khosrovi antar petakan argeloc state nonprofitable organization
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of charter of Erebuni state reserve
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of charters of Dilijan national park and Dilijan azgayin park
- RA Governmental Decision On reorganization of state organization Argelotsaparkayin hamalir adoption of charter of Argelotsaparkayin hamalir state nonprofitable organization
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the 2007-2011 management plan (land use scheme) of Dilijan National Park
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the 2007-2011 management plan (land use scheme) of Sevan National Park
- Decision of RA Prime Minister On Sevan National Park and specification of borders and operational zones
- RA Governmental Decision On agreement of allocating lands of Sevan National Park for free use
- RA Governmental Decision On urban development, construction and land rent in the Sevan national Park and adjacent territories
- RA Governmental Decision On organization of public beaches in the recreational zones of Sevan national park
- RA Governmental Decision On organization of public beaches in the recreational zones of Sevan national park and allocation of funds to the Ministry of nature protection of the Republic of Armenian
- RA Governmental Decision On the peculiarities allocating land for construction and for rent in the areas below the 1908.0 absolute mark and amending the RA Governmental Decision N 927-N from May 12, 2001
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the change of land purpose, the size of the territory, scheme and the description of borders of Arpi lake national park
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of 2011-2015 management plan of Arpi Lake National Park
- RA Governmental Decision On creation of Arevik National Park, adoption of the charters of Arevik National Park and Arevik National Park state non-profit organization
- RA Governmental Decision On establishing of Arpi lich national park, and adoption of charters of Arpi lich national park and Arpi lich azgayin park state nonprofitable organization
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of charters of Dilijan national park and Dilijan azgayin park state nonprofitable organization
- RA Governmental Decision On reorganization of state organization Sevan azgayin park, adoption of charters of Sev an national park and Sevan azgayin park state nonprofitable organization
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of Sev Lich preserve charter
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of Vordan Karmir preserve charter
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the size of the territory, scheme and the description of borders of Vordan Karmir preserve charter and amending the RA Governmental Decision N 830-N from 3 July, 2003
- RA Governmental Decision On creation of Jermuk hydrological state preserve and Hanqavan hydrological state preserve and adoption of their charters
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the description of borders, adoption of the size and changing the purpose of Jermuk hydrological state preserve
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the description of borders, adoption of the size and changing the purpose of Hankavan hydrological state preserve
- RA Governmental Decision On creation of Khor Virap state preserve and amending RA Governmental Decision N 925-N from May 30, 2002
- RA Governmental Decision On creation of Zangezur state preserve and amending RA Governmental Decision N 926-N from May 30, 2002
- RA Governmental Decision On creation Zikatar state preserve, adoption of description of borders, area size and charter and amending RA Governmental Decision N 1587-N from 26 September, 2002
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of Goravani avazutner state preserve borders description and scheme
- Excerpt from the session protocol of RA Government On approval of Goravani avazutner state preserve 2013-2015 recovery activities
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of the list of natural monuments of Armenia
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of 2005 state order of the program on approval of the list, pasportization and inventory of natural monuments
- RA Governmental Decision On definition of the peculiarities of use, protection, list and statues of water object-natural monuments
- RA Governmental Decision On adoption of 2004 state order of the program on approval of the list, passportization and inventory of natural monuments to be conducted by the state non-profit organization Forest scientific-experimental center