Գործող իրավական ակտերի գնահատում
Ւրավակիրառ գործունեության համակողմանի գնահատում
Today, the candle lighting in memory of the 1.5 million innocent victims of the Armenian Genocide was organized in the foyer of YSU main building.
25 higher educational institutions founded in Yekaterinburg the University League of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.
April 22 is The Earth Day, so the environmentalists once again raised the environmental issues.
The presentation of the book “If we remain silent, the stones would cry out” was held at YSU today. It is based on the memories of the Genocide survivor Hrachya Gevorgyan.
On April 6-12 YSU students participated in the International Youth Forum “Lomonosov 2014”.